Moreland Revenue Stamps
​For shipping costs, visit the Shipping Fees/Privacy Menu
(Canadian Revenue Identification System)
The in-depth, go-to guide of information. Whether you are a new, or serious collector, of Canadian Revenue Stamps, you really could use this guide!
Always looking to purchase choice stamps and collections.
LAYAWAY now available.
Contact for details.
e-Gift cards now available
van Dam BCL63 Full Pane. C/V $7812.50
Priced to sell at $1999
(link was broken, still available)

Moreland Revenue Stamps is a Canadian proud dealer, selling in CDN dollars.

Look for the CSDA "Beaver" Logo!
This logo is your assurance that this dealer meets the high standards of the Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association. Bound by a strict Code of Ethics. Look for the dealer displaying this logo. Whether you are buying or selling stamps, this is the person with whom you should be dealing.
Moreland Revenue Stamps is a proud member of the CPSGB! See the contacts below for more information or click on the image to email.